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Tantric Massage


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2 Hours

tantric Massage in Phoenix 

Erotic Tantric Massage is the number one sensual massage in Phoenix AZ and all over the world. Erotic Tantric Massage offers a tantric, sensual, and erotic experience that you can enjoy any day. This kind of massage ranges from the most modest to the most explicit of massages as I love to appease what your senses crave, whether it be simple or complex.

Tantric massage combines mind, body, and spirit to date back to some of the beginning times of civilization, and I strive to give you an experience as close to those roots as possible.

I guarantee a quality massage that gives total satisfaction and with complete discretion. This kind of massage is not only what you want, but can in the process awaken sexual and physical energy in the body. You are guaranteed comfort, sensibility, and a wonderful time.

From Ancient India to 21st Century Phoenix, AZ

Tantric massage comes from the tantra philosophy and culture that was created in India two thousand years ago. It is a powerful ritual, which is known to have a strong impact on men. Lingam is a Sanskrit word. It stands for male genitalia, which can be translated as “Wand of Light”.

A tantric massage focuses on the entire body and not only on the lingam area. While in a lingam massage extra emphasis is given to the lingam area and it is specially massaged by me, your tantric goddess Vanessa Iman. 

The aim of tantra is used in such acts as yoga, sex and massage to focus the mind and body onto a higher plane.

The original tantric practitioners were not just doing this for cheap thrills, there is a higher spiritual purpose to what they try to do.

What happens during a tantric massage?

Every tantric massage you go to will be different as each masseuse has learned and developed their skills in a unique way.

Each masseuse may use a different approach to get the most out of the session for her client.


I would first prefer you to take a shower. (For an Erotic Mutual Shower Add-on Click Here)

This is not just to make sure the body is clean for me to work on but also because of the spiritual act of washing water over your body.

This process can help calm your body and it mentally feels like you are washing away any distractions.


After you have showered you will be asked to join me where I will introduce you to certain breathing exercises.

If you utilize these breath control techniques your session will benefit greatly, as you will find out later in the session.

I will then ask you to lay face down, where I will provide you a regular deep tissue massage in the nude all over your body.

This will make you feel relaxed and will be very therapeutic for your muscles.

As the session progresses you find my touches becoming more and more sensual.

I will start to focus my attention on your erogenous zones.

You will at this point start to feel aroused, this is natural and is the intention of the massage.

Lingam Massage

The last third of the session will be focused on massaging your lingam, which again, is an ancient Indian language term for penis.

I will sensually manipulate this area using many different techniques, it will feel fantastic.

I am an expert at building the sexual energy as more and more endorphin’s are released into your brain.

At this point, you can use breathing techniques to help control your feelings.

Your tantric goddess Vanessa will have your riding orgasmic waves of pure pleasure.

Orgasm is not the goal of the Lingam massage although it can be a pleasant and welcome side effect. The goal is to massage the Lingam, also including testicles, perineum, and Sacred Spot (prostate add-on), allowing you to surrender to a form of pleasure you may not be accustomed to. 

Traditional sexual conditioning has the man in a doing and goal oriented mode. The Lingam Massage allows you to experience your softer, more receptive side and experience pleasure from a non-traditional perspective.

In this sort of massage, the emphasis is on the male genitalia and hence it can be categorized as a men’s massage. As the lingam is a very sensitive area of a man, once it starts getting massaged by my magical hands, you’ll feel immediately alive.

Eventually, this will move into an explosive orgasm, the like of which you may never have experienced before.

The benefits you will get from this session
  • Reduced stress

  • Increased blood circulation

  • Boost to your immune system

  • Understanding how to become a better lover

  • Tips on how to control an orgasm

  • An introduction to the world of tantra

With the lingam massage, in particular, I focus on your sexual being, bringing you sexual comfort and building your sexual desire. I strive with the lingam massage to help you feel like you are capable of sexual pleasure that extends beyond your body and into a realm unknown.

The massage is used not only for pleasure, but to help with a number of sex-related issues males may be facing such as a loss of libido, premature ejaculation, or impotence. These things are nothing to be embarrassed about and are something that I am more than happy to help you fix naturally. 

I strongly suggest you try this session as I know you will just love it.

Click Here To Book Your Erotic Tantric Massage Now
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